In South Africa, we are in the depth of winter. With our infamous electricity supplier, Eskom, shocking us with power blackouts at the flick of a switch, I have taken to wrapping up snugly in a Maasai Shuka (Masai Shuka) or two while watching tele… oops, watching the flickering candle.

There are compensations to blackouts, believe it or not. For one, we are forced to stop work, and while that is disastrous for our struggling economy, it can sometimes be good for the soul.  Once I have stopped gnashing my teeth, I settle down and find something else to do, such as play with the puppy or take a much-needed stroll around my cosy corner of Cape Town. Another compensation is quiet. It is surprising how one notices the silence when we have blackouts. There is a general background hum when all electronics are firing, but I don’t notice them until I notice the absence of them.

I am rambling on about blackouts to tell you this; because it is chilly here at the southern end of Africa and because we have blackouts, we are offering Shukas at a reduced price.

Click here for prices and colour samples.